Uncached Bible’s are not loading into Equipd (Fixed in 2.7.0)

The brothers recently added the new English New World Translation 2013 Revision to WOL - and as part of the changes to the site Equipd can no longer load any Bible’s. The basic reason is that the URL for each Bible chapter has changed - thus Equipd cannot download the chapter. Please read below for more details...

Note: This issue does not affect users who have already cached their Bible’s before the changes were made to WOL.


To clarify what has happened...

Before you viewed Genesis 1 at a URL that looked like this: 

And now the URL looks like this for the 2013 Revision:

And like this for the 1984 Revision:

Initially when the NWT 2013 Revision was added to WOL, the old URL format for Bible chapters kept working - and I actually  managed to cache the new 2013 Revision and it worked in Equipd just fine. But then later in the day support for the old URL format was removed, and now no Bibles load from WOL in Equipd anymore. 

The brothers have switched the URL format over for all Bibles / languages on WOL. Not just English.

What's the fix? At this point it means waiting for the next update to Equipd I am sorry to say. I will post more details about this as soon as realistically possible, so please keep an eye on the Announcements section of the Forums for updates.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding.



UPDATE Thursday 12 December NZ time
The fix for this issue is included in the 2.7.0 snapshot release that should be appearing on your App Store within the next 24 hours. Thanks again to everyone for your patience waiting for this to be resolved.

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