Version 3.4.1 Released

3.4.1 was released on 9 December 2014

This version was primarily released to push the announcement about Equipd being removed from the App Store. I was trying my best to alert as many users as possible - the App Store notices covered new users and existing users, and the update message that displayed when users upgraded to 3.4.1 was a further prompt for users.

On top of this there were a couple of other minor tweaks in 3.4.1.

  1. I fixed the handling of the missing verses in John 8 in both the new Korean and Estonian NWT 2014 Revisions.
  2. Based on feedback I made the red highlight of selected text in a publication turn black after 5 seconds. So for example if you clicked a link on the Service Meeting schedule to an article, the paragraphs being covered would be red instead of black. Many users provided feedback asking for this to be turned off. I compromised by making it stay red long enough for users to see the content being covered, and then to turn black. Unfortunately it turns out some users liked it staying red. It's hard to please everybody so sorry if this change has frustrated you.

As mentioned in an official announcement 3.4.1 was the last version update to Equipd. As promised I will continue to push publication updates for the foreseeable future, but there will be no more changes or improvements to the functionality of the existing Equipd app as of version 3.4.1. Thanks again for your support over the years - it has been a pleasure working with you.



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