How do I manage Existing Topics and Articles in the Briefcase?
In Equipd 3.0
In the Briefcase use the Settings button on the top toolbar to:
- Add a new Topic
- Re-order the Topics
- Backup your Briefcase
To Rename or Delete an existing Topic just slide your finger on the topic row from the right to the left and click "Edit Topic".
To work with Articles that you have saved to your Briefcase:
- Open the Topic window - eg click on "Bible Highlights"
- Slide your finger from the left of the screen edge to open the Table of Contents which will list all the articles in this Topic
- Next to each article is a Settings icon - use this to rename, or delete an article
- At the top use the Settings icon to re-order the whole list of Articles
In Equipd 2.X
The secret is to look for the Edit buttons with the Pencil icons.
You can edit the Topics by clicking the Edit button on the black toolbar above the list of topics.
You can edit your list of Articles inside a topic the same way, using the Edit button in the black toolbar above the list of articles.
Once you toggle the button into "Edit Mode" you can update, rename, re-order and delete topics or articles.