How Do I Pre-Cache the Library Publications for Offline use?

You are able to "pre-cache" all the publications in the Library for use offline.

In Equipd 3.0

There are a couple of ways to cache a publication:

  1. Open up a category of publications - eg "Books" - in the Library
  2. Click on the download button next to each publication. You can cache up to 5 at a time
  3. Or alternatively actually open up a publication - eg "Bible Teach" - and swipe left from the screen edge to show the chapters. From here you can also cache the book.

Download1.jpg   Download2.jpg


In Equipd 2.X

To Pre-cache please:

  1. Go into the Admin Tab
  2. Select "Library" from the left menu
  3. Scroll down and select a Language - eg "English"
  4. Now click the "Pre-Cache" button for each publication one-by-one

This will launch a window that shows the progress of the per chapter download. 

Be prepared to walk away and do something else while each publication is being download. And when you get to the Insight Volumes - well, maybe kick that off before you go to bed :)

If something goes wrong during the download, don't worry - you can just close the window, and then click the "Pre-Cache" button again. Any chapters already downloaded will still be there - you won't need to download them again.

Can you make the download faster? It is really slow.

Pre-caching does takes a little while. Why? Because it is requesting one chapter at a time directly from

No I will not be speeding this up by zipping copies of the files and placing them elsewhere to download, or any other mechanism. The whole idea is that Equipd is an empty shell, and you as the user populate it with the original source material direct from 

While it can be annoying that it takes so long, it is a good reminder as to how Equipd works - that it is sourcing content directly from which is our only trusted source for spiritual content. Don't worry - the time taken up front pre-caching everything will save you a lot of time later, and a lot of mobile bandwidth.

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