Can you add another Alternate Bible Translation?
I will always be interested in adding more translations.
It should be noted that there are copyright laws in place which mean that:
- By default I can add any "Public Domain" Bibles to Equipd
- For Bible versions still in Copyright I need to obtain permission before using them.
I will log the status of all Bible Versions I have already looked at adding against this ticket.
If you have others you would like to see then please add a comment with details here.
Generally I would like to know:
- The Bible name
- The language
- The copyright details - year, holder, link to website
- A link to an online HTML version of the Bible translation - not a PDF or Doc
Ideally you will add a new "Alternate Bible Translations" Forum Topic suggesting the Translation and listing all the details above. First of all check if the translation you want is already listed. If so, then just "Vote" for it instead of adding it again.
The reality is that there are a lot of areas of Equipd that I am working on - and this is not currently the top priority. So if you really want to see a new translation added then the more work you do to clarify that there are no copyright issues, and point me to a valid HTML version of the translation online - then the more likely it is I will get around to adding it.